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Johnny Depp says ‘malicious, evil’ Amber Heard ‘acquired’ him for fame

Johnny Depp called wife Amber Heard a “malicious, evil and vindictive c–t” who “acquired” him for “success and fame,” a UK court was told Tuesday.

“F***ed, man… Had another one,” Depp texted his private doctor, David Kipper, shortly before he went to a hospital after his fingertip was severed during a vicious 2015 fight in Australia, London’s High Court heard.

A mockup of text messages Johnny Depp sent his private doctor in 2015.
A mockup of text messages Johnny Depp sent his private doctor in 2015.

“I just cannot live like this… She is as full of s–t as a Christmas goose. I’m done. NO MORE…!!!” he wrote of his then-wife, the court heard.

“The constant insults, the demeaning, belittling, most heartbreaking spew that is only released from a malicious, evil and vindictive c–t!!!!!” he texted, the court was told.

“But, you know what… ?? FAR MORE hurtful than her venomous and degrading, endless ‘educational’ ranting…??? Is her hideously and purposely hurtful tirades and her goddam shocking treatment of the man she was meant to love, above all,” he wrote to his doctor.

“Here’s the real deal, mate… Her obsession with herself..?? Is far more important… She is SO F***IN’ AMBITIOUS!!! She’s so desperate for success and fame… That’s probably why I was acquired, mate…!!” he wrote.

“Although, she has hammered me with what a sad old man, has been I am…” he wrote.

“Cowan has done me the most cruel of favors,” he continued without elaborating, but likely referring to psychologist Dr. Connell Cowan, who the court was previously told had treated Heard.

Only after the lengthy diatribe did Depp tell his doctor about the injury — suggesting he had sent the texts before seeking medical help.

“I’m so very sad… I cut the top of my middle finger off… What should I do!?? Except, of course, go to a hospital,” he texted the doctor.

The scathing message was read in part to suggest it proved the “Pirates of the Caribbean” actor was admitting he had cut his finger himself, rather than accusing his wife of doing it.

Depp’s longtime security guard, Malcolm Connolly, admitted that the text was “worded” that way, but insisted to the court that the actor had been clear in accusing Heard of causing the injury. He said a variety of lies were concocted to try to keep the injury out of the news, protecting Heard.

Depp is suing The Sun over a 2018 article that called him a “wife-beater,” which he has vehemently denied — accusing his “sociopathic” ex-wife of all the violence in their marriage.

The court has previously heard how Depp called his wife a “gold-digger,” “50 cent stripper” and nicknamed her “Amber Turd.”

With Post wires