Celebrity News

Lisa Bloom ordered to cough up $28K to opponent in court setback

Power lawyer Lisa Bloom has been ordered to pay photographer Bruce Weber over $28,000 in legal costs.

Bloom’s repping model Jason Boyce, who claims he was sexually assaulted by Weber at a 2014 shoot. But last week, a federal judge ordered Bloom to pay Weber’s attorneys’ fees and other costs after one of her expert witnesses, a clinical neuropsychologist, refused to answer certain questions at a deposition.

Upon insistence from Bloom and her team, the deposition was shut down. She then chose to reschedule, and now has to pay the fees. Weber had asked for more than $100,000 in compensation.

Bloom, who’s repping six plaintiffs in total against Weber, commented to Page Six: “The parties had a dispute about certain lines of questioning at the deposition of our expert witness. The magistrate judge ruled against our objections. We then offered a reasonable amount to resolve the issue,” but Weber’s team “asked for an absurd amount, and brought another motion, which the magistrate judge now deems ‘not reasonable.’

“We agree, and appreciate that the court … instead awarded the same amount we previously offered. We look forward to returning to what this case is about.”