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Petition to remove alleged Jeffrey Epstein enabler Eileen Guggenheim gains steam

One of Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged sex slaves has joined the fight to remove Eileen Guggenheim from the New York Academy of Art board after she allegedly enabled the billionaire pedophile.

Virginia Giuffre, who has long claimed that Epstein forced her to have sex with Prince Andrew when she was just 17, is backing a petition to have Guggenheim removed as the chair of the board of trustees.

Kirby Sommers, who is spearheading the Change.org petition, claimed that Guggenheim should be pushed out after allegedly forcing former academy student Maria Farmer to sell her painting called “The Rape” to Epstein — after she had already sold it to a German buyer for double the price.

Farmer also alleged that Guggenheim insisted that she accompany her on a bizarre trip to Epstein’s so-called Zorro Ranch in New Mexico in 1995, where she and other students were made to play games with his stash of sex toys. She said both Epstein and his associate Ghislaine Maxwell went on to abuse her.

Sommers appeals to the academy’s president, David Katz, in the petition, which orders, “Eileen Guggenheim must be removed for harm she caused to Maria Farmer by Jeffrey Epstein!” It claims that “Farmer has suffered tremendously … She alleges she was sexually attacked by Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell … Are you aware her life was threatened at the same time? … Further, do you know that Maria now suffers from brain cancer? … She is convinced it began that day as she fought for her life.”

In a statement, the New York Academy of Art told Page Six: “This petition is filled with false information, innuendo and lies. As such, we have reported it to Change.org as against their community guidelines and hope it will be taken down. What happened to Maria Farmer and all of the victims of Jeffrey Epstein is horrible.

“However, the allegations against Eileen Guggenheim are unfair and injurious. She has spent the last 30 years working for the well-being and success of all the Academy’s students. It is important to note that Farmer was a 25-year old adult when she graduated from the Academy. She went to work for Jeffrey Epstein after graduation of her own accord and had been in his employ for over a year when the assault happened.”