Celebrity News

Harvey Weinstein accusers react to verdict: ‘Our fight is far from over’

Harvey Weinstein’s guilty verdict Monday prompted a flood of online postings from women across Hollywood who accused the former media mogul of sexual harassment or assault.

“For the women who testified in this case, and walked through traumatic hell, you did a public service to girls and women everywhere, thank you.#ConvictWeinstein #Guilty,” Weinstein accuser and actress Ashley Judd tweeted.

Fellow actress and Weinstein accuser Mira Sorvino wrote of the conviction, “The beginning of #justice. More to come, my sisters. #weinsteinguilty.”

Actress and accuser Rosanna Arguette added on Twitter, “As we speak Weinstein’s attorneys are filing to keep him out of jail .no matter what happens he will always be a rapist. next Los Angeles trial More survivors on the stand.”

Ronan Farrow, whose Pulitzer Prize-winning reporting on Weinstein’s workplace sexual abuse marked the start of the mogul’s downfall, tweeted out a statement hailing the accusers who came forward for their bravery.

“Today’s outcome in Harvey Weinstein’s New York trial is the result of the decisions of multiple women to come forward to journalists and to prosecutors at great personal cost and risk,” Farrow wrote, “Please keep those women in your thoughts today.”

The Silence Breakers, a group of women who accused Weinstein of sexual misconduct, released a statement saying their mission did not end with Weinstein behind bars.

“While it is disappointing that today’s outcome does not deliver the true, full justice that so many women deserve, Harvey Weinstein will now forever be known as a convicted serial predator. This conviction would not be possible without the testimony of the courageous women and the many women who have spoken out,” the group said.

“Despite intimidation from Weinstein’s legal team, they courageously shared their stories with the jury, the courtroom and the world. This has been a flawed process from the beginning, but has further exposed the difficulties women face in coming forward to tell the truth about powerful abusers. Their bravery will forever be remembered in history. Our fight is far from over.”

Harvey Weinstein was convicted Monday on one rape and one criminal sex act count. While he was acquitted on three other charges, his two guilty verdicts could put him in prison for up to 29 years.