Celebrity News

Wendy Williams has no regrets after divorce from Kevin Hunter

Wendy Williams is officially divorced from Kevin Hunter and thinks it’s “so lovely.”

“After nine months, yes, I am fully divorced,” Williams, 55, shared during her appearance Thursday on “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.”. “A door has closed in old life, the new chapter has been so lovely.”

She told Fallon, 45, “Thank you for asking that. Thank you. Because people tip-toe around that. I don’t feel like I’m intimidating, but people are so scared. But you and I have known each other for a long time.”

In the initial stages of their separation, Williams was noticeably shaken over the topic of her ex. Today, the Walk-of-Famer is finally at peace.

“I’m not mad, you know, it was 25 years I don’t regret,” she said. “But you know what, sometimes people move on with their lives. And I have to tell you something, I’m now — I no longer live in Jersey, it is Wendy in the city.”

When asked if she’s been dating since the split, the media maven quipped, “Am I? Do I look like I have a hard time?”

Both Williams and Hunter have agreed to forego alimony. Williams did, however, agree to keep a $1 million life insurance policy on herself that will go to Hunter should she die, but she has the right to reduce the amount on a yearly basis.

Williams is also responsible for covering Hunter’s health insurance under her current policy.