Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams

Celebrity News

Eddie Murphy reportedly sneaking into comedy clubs to test jokes

Eddie Murphy sneaking into comedy clubs? This month? Testing jokes? Like he’s maybe prepping for his Netflix stand-up special?

Born 1961 in Brooklyn, ready Eddie — a teenager — was a hotshot stand-up comic. Then, over the years, “SNL’s” smartmouth gold mine of the ’80s went quiet. He’s now woken up with “Dolemite Is My Name.”

But the newborn Eddie seems enlightened. Transformed. Must be the old raunchy Eddie heard the Voice. Got the Message from on high. No more politically incorrect. New Eddie is now softer, gentler.

Soft? Gentle? He’s made 10 kids. And could make about $70 mil from Netflix.

Craig’s ‘Out’ with more?

Daniel Craig, rootin’ tootin’ shootin’ superBrit James Bond, is now a Southern private detective with a y’all drawl. The name is Blanc. Benoit Blanc. And it’s his new mystery comedy, “Knives Out.”

Not hanging up his license to kill, he’s maybe into a new franchise. Leaping over cotton fields instead of Fleet Street. Chatter is there’s a sequel to “Knives Out,” and he’ll be the sleuth from the South.

“Shaken, stirred and signed, Craig has script approval — and you’re told he won’t come cheap,” is what I’m hearing.

Global bore

Oy, those tarnished Golden Globes. Shining only was 22-karat Ricky Gervais. The thing was so boring, it was turn it off and go to sleep altogether. Me, I turned it off and went to sleep altogether.

LA gave BS about womanhood, maternityhood, Hollywoodhood, catastrophehood, sexhood, even politicalhood. One more year, and they’ll just stuff Mitch McConnell into a custom gown.

A joke making Hollywood’s post-Golden Globes rounds: “Next year’s big movie could be ‘The Jeffrey Epstein Story.’ Director? Roman Polanski. Technical adviser? Harvey Weinstein.” Only in Hollywood, kids.

Champ an artist

With 18 Grand Slam titles, Martina Navratilova’s traded her racket for a paintbrush. Snarling Miami traffic in a Jaguar covered in her artwork, her method’s splotching a canvas then hitting tennis balls at it to juice it up. The car’s photographed more than she is. Peter Thomas Roth, a skin-care guy, bought two paintings for his Miami penthouse.

Open and shut

Singers Andrea Bocelli and Lillian Gorbachincky gave an impromptu concert during lunch for Bocelli’s Columbus Citizens Foundation benefit … Rudy Giuliani’s fabled mouth closed over dinner at Tuscany Steakhouse … A Happy New Year message to Bloomberg came back with his reply: “U-2” … Daddy Biden knows absolutely nothing about how his sonny sizzled in what’s frying Trump. But something must be in the water in DC. Pre-White House, Obama couldn’t buy a pretzel. Now he has assorted mansions.

Pay attention

Coming is a 12-part podcast about JFK Jr. Still lacking is “someone to talk about John John’s life shortly before his 1999 death, his wife, Carolyn, his days at the DA’s office, his battle with paparazzi, etc.” The recorded interview can be about 30 minutes. Anyone happy to blab, it’s Douglas Montero at American Media … Danny Aiello’s last booking was “Hereafter Musical,” by Vinnie Favale, who formerly oversaw David Letterman’s show. Danny sings in it. This limited-budget short film was shot in five 16-hour days and debuts this year.

City Hall. Someone mentioned a councilman’s angina problem. Another interrupted: “Please. Men have penises — women have anginas.”

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.