Celebrity News

Hannah Jeter gained 70 pounds in first pregnancy, 55 during second

Unlike other swimsuit models who seem to snap back into shape like magic after having children, Derek Jeter‘s model wife, Hannah Jeter, says she had some trouble, gaining 70 pounds in her first pregnancy and 55 in her second.

Hannah Jeter in Editorialist magazine
Gilles Bensimon/ Courtesy of Editorialist

“I went into hiding,” she tells Editorialist Magazine. “No one really saw me, but I have pictures.. . I always thought, you know, I’m going to have kids and go right back to work and pop back into shape and it’s not that easy.”

Six months ago, she tried intermittent fasting and says she had more energy, brighter skin, and “just felt incredible.”

Jeter, 29, says she tries to limit her kids screen time and runs to Michael’s craft store “like, twice a week. Most days my husband comes home and he’s like, ‘Holy crap’ — because I’m covered in paint or glue. I was literally painting a birdhouse yesterday.”