Celebrity News

Katie Holmes likes to work out with daughter Suri Cruise

Katie Holmes in Shape
Katie Holmes in ShapeAlexei Hay

Katie Holmes puts a healthy spin on mother-daughter bonding.

“I feel very blessed to have such a special daughter. Being her mom is absolutely the greatest gift and privilege,” the actress, 40, told Shape magazine of her 13-year-old, Suri Cruise. “Sometimes I work out with my daughter. It just depends on the day.”

Katie Holmes covers Shape magazine.
Alexei Hay

Holmes said they each have their own fitness preferences, but like to join forces when they can.

“We have our routines, and occasionally they overlap,” she said. “But I don’t force her to work out with me because I know that’s lame.”

As for Holmes’ workout mantra, the “Brahms: The Boy II” star dabbles in all sorts of activities to keep herself motivated.

“I exercise four times a week. Variety is key, or I get bored,” she said. “I like Spinning, boxing and yoga, and sometimes I’ll take a dance class. I have my own Spin bike, so I can do it at home when I have to get up really early; otherwise, I go to Flywheel Sports. I got into boxing a couple of years ago, and now I take classes at Rumble.”

The “Dawson’s Creek” star is also concerned with self-care.

“It’s better for everybody if you’re taking care of yourself,” she said. “I take 20 minutes in the morning to write down a list of the things I’m grateful for and listen to calming music. I give myself that time to just enjoy. It sets a good tone for my day.”

Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise
Katie Holmes and Suri CruiseGetty Images