Celebrity News

Jho Low may be hiding out in Los Angeles

Jho Low, the party-boy fugitive accused of misappropriating billions from the Malaysian government, is hiding out in . . . LA?

There is buzz that the alleged fraudster involved in the 1MDB scandal and known for his deep ties to Hollywood, was spotted “surrounded by people” last week at a private dinner party at a producer’s house in the Hollywood Hills.

Our source told us: “I thought it was him. Could there be a guy that looks like him? Of course. But I thought it was him. People were convinced.”

In 2009, Page Six noted that Low was often mistaken for a popular event photographer, Chance Yeh.

Low was believed to have been on the lam in China. But this week, Malaysian police said they’ve found his hiding spot — adding only that they hope to bring him back to the country by the end of the year.

Police chief Abdul Hamid Bador said he believes Low “has the protection of someone,” seemingly “free to move around and able to run his businesses without any restrictions.” Low — who was known for rubbing elbows with celebs from Paris Hilton and Britney Spears to Leo DiCaprio and Miranda Kerr — is accused of pilfering $4.5 billion to buy real estate, art and lavish gifts.

Reps for Low had no comment.