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Demi Moore’s memoir helped her with self-love and acceptance

Writing her upcoming memoir has given Demi Moore a new perspective on life.

“It was a very intimate, challenging project,” she said in a new essay for InStyle. “The most important part was when I had to go back through all my things, and I started to gain an incredible depth of appreciation. Everything I had perceived as negative or bad, I now appreciate.”

Moore, 56, announced she was working on her memoir, titled “Inside Out,” in April and the publisher said the “deeply candid and insightful” book would cover everything from her “tumultuous relationship” with her mother to her three past marriages to Freddy Moore, Bruce Willis and Ashton Kutcher.

“I feel like I’ve been in an incubating period where I haven’t necessarily known what direction I was going to go in or what I was supposed to be doing. It can feel like you’re floating in the abyss,” the InStyle article reads. “Now, with the book, I realize I am ambitious for a combination of things that aren’t external — self-love, self-acceptance, and self-forgiveness, and for real connection. I feel like I’m a caterpillar coming out of the cocoon. I’m going to be a butterfly.”

She ends the essay describing herself in three words.

“In 1994 — Chubby, Chubby, Chubby (But in all fairness, I had just had a baby),” she wrote, adding, “Today — Quirky, Eccentric, Happy.”

“Inside Out” will be released on Sept. 24.