Celebrity News

Kristen Taekman avoids Sonja Morgan at event

Well, she got her wish.

As former “Real Housewives of NYC” star Kristen Taekman was leaving the show in 2015, co-star Sonja Morgan declared she no longer wanted to be friends after a nasty row at a party.

We’re told that this week Morgan was hosting a dinner at Coco J’adore — and Taekman happened to walk in.

“Taekman didn’t come over to greet Sonja,” said a spy. “Sonja didn’t even notice she was there.”

Among Morgan’s guests were designer Marc Bouwer and hockey player Frederik Andersen.

But Taekman had a different take.

“When I arrived . . . someone came up to me and said, ‘Are you dining with Sonja?’ I didn’t know who they were even talking about! But as the night went on, the restaurant got louder and more crowded and then I heard a familiar voice from across the room, and I put two and two together. I was like, ‘Oh, that Sonja!’ ” she told us. “I did not go over, because they were on a different level of turn-up. So it was just like, I am not going to say hi today. I was not on that turn-up level . . . Like, I have a babysitter so I have to get home. I love Sonja and I haven’t seen her in a minute.”