Celebrity News

Mike Pence’s daughter Charlotte announces engagement

The Pence family is getting a new addition — and it’s not another bunny.

On Sunday, Charlotte Pence, oldest daughter of Vice President Mike Pence, announced her engagement to boyfriend Henry Bond on Instagram.

“I said ‘yes,’ and then I said ‘thanks’ a lot because I didn’t know what else to say,” Charlotte, 26, captioned a snapshot of the couple. “I love you. Let’s do this.”

Charlotte has written two children’s books about her family’s pet rabbit Marlon Bundo, and a third she published with her famous dad titled: “Where You Go: Life Lessons from My Father.”

Bond is a lieutenant junior grade in the US Navy, according to his LinkedIn page, but little else is known about his private life.

Charlotte’s younger sister, Audrey, 24, announced on her Instagram page in February that she was engaged to boyfriend Daniel Tomanelli.

Audrey congratulated her big sister on her engagement in an Instagram post, saying, “Henry, you’re the luckiest man in the world. Thank you for putting that smile on my big sister’s face.”