Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams

Celebrity News

Harvey Weinstein wants to be his own lawyer

Whisperers are whispering that Harvey Weinstein is of a mind now that perhaps only he himself can best help himself. Having axed assorted legal teams, the man’s thought is he could petition the court to allow him to be placed on his own legal team — or, in fact, even just become his own lawyer.

Despite that old saying about one who represents himself having a fool for a client, he and his insurance are financially depleting, and what he remembers is starting in films as a no-nothing nobody who then became an award-winning something somebody. In this newest life script, I’m hearing Harvey believes he has a better shot at repping himself and producing a better scenario than any of the hired guns.

A possible plan is for the attorney pros to examine witnesses, but that he himself argues his own case. Reaching him is now difficult. For official confirmation of what I’ve been told, I phoned his last clump of attorneys. They never took my calls nor returned them.

Duchess doubt

Despite the christening, the hoopla, the smiles, the photos, the blaah blaah, royal Brits are not all jolly thrilled with Mrs. Prince Harry. Sniffs turn up at mention of their new instant duchess. Titled noses so high in the air that they can hardly breathe issue this direct quote about Miss Pushy: “We date actresses. We do not marry them.”

A look back for US

Thomas Fleming’s book “The Strategy of Victory: How General George Washington Won the American Revolution” says on Page 20: “The momentous news reached New York days later . . . July 9 he ordered the Declaration of Independence read aloud to his troops.”

You figure General George would’ve picked Baby Pete Bootleg? Balmy Sanders? Marianne Williamson, who needs another career? Frontrunner Joe Boredom, who, if he can’t K-O Kamala, he’ll be able to zap Kim Jong Ugh? And Kamala? From riding a bus to running for president and still knocking us like in some other country, she could do this?

Millionaire athletes dissing the Pledge of Allegiance. Kids on coke burning the flag. Nike withdrawing stars and stripes shoes. What’s wrong with this country is its countrymen.

Here’s where they are

Naomi Watts and Billy Crudup like Restoration Hardware in East Hampton . . . Howard Stern and Jimmy Fallon at Topping Rose in Bridgehampton. Hoda Kotb does lobster roll at 75 Main in Southampton. In the city, it’s Bruce Willis needing refills for his Sheaffer pen at Staples near Columbus Circle. And for A-No. 1 best South American food and steak, it’s K Rico on Ninth Avenue. Drew Carey left a $500 tip.

New fare on UES

In 2018, when second wives disliked what first wives liked and codgers no longer did salt or sauces and customers wintered in Florida, Sirio Maccioni’s famous Le Cirque closed. Its Beacon Court, redone 58th and Lex space, just reopened as Chinese restaurant Hutong. Already known in Hong Kong and London, “Hutong” means “alleyway.” The decor and menu is early Shanghai. The prices are late New York.

News too volatile

Palm Beach patronizes a well-known half deli/half bakery/part go-to snackery called TooJay’s. Everybody goes. So does its television set all day long. One steady customer asked could the omnipresent TV, which was showing a golf game, turn instead to Fox? “No.” CNN? “No.”

The guy in charge: “Not allowed. If we put on a news program, we end up having too many fights. We’re only allowed to turn on sports.”

But listen, there’s always good news. There’s always the possibility that Rachel Maddow’s mouth may be closed for Labor Day.

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.