Celebrity News

How to navigate Memorial Day weekend, according to Teddi Mellencamp

“Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star Teddi Mellencamp won’t let Memorial Day weekend festivities derail her from staying accountable in her health and fitness routines.

“The first thing is to get up early,” Mellencamp, 37, told Page Six. “Even though it’s a weekend. Even though it’s a holiday. Get up. Drink some water and get your work out in early because what happens is if you say, ‘I’m going to do it later,’ you’re not going to do it later and then you’re gonna go to your friend’s party and you’re not going to be prepared and then all of a sudden your weekend’s shot and then you’re eating terribly the next day because you’re probably hungover.”

As the founder of the accountability coaching program, All In by Teddi Mellencamp, the wellness guru advises her clients to choose their time wisely when making plans where healthy choices may be limited.

“I also tell myself or my clients, try to focus on eating to nourish yourself,” the reality star added. “If you’re going to a party just because you’re showing up to eat or drink, not because you actually want to see the people you’re going to the party for, you might want to rethink your plans.”

If Mellencamp does attend a party, she brings healthy snacks to share.

“Everybody loves for somebody to show up with a veggie platter or if you’re a creative person and you want to make like fruit kabobs or whatever it is, you know that you have a healthy snack that you can enjoy,” she explained.

However, if the holiday party is lacking fruits and veggies, Mellencamp suggests cutting down on the carbs.

“If they’re making burgers and hot dogs and that’s what they’re serving as their main dish, I’d probably skip the bun and use a little bit of mustard and lettuce and add avocado. There are ways to work around everything so that you still feel fulfilled and you’re still enjoying yourself.”