Celebrity News

Anjelica Huston hopes she didn’t ‘hurt anyone’s feelings’ after dissing top celebs

Anjelica Huston hopes she “didn’t hurt anyone’s feelings” with her recent New York magazine interview, in which she savaged Diane Keaton and Robert De Niro, among others.

In the chat published last week, Huston said she’s only interested in making movies “that aren’t apologetically humble or humiliating, like ‘Band of cheerleaders gets back together for one last hurrah,’” (which happens to be the plot of Keaton’s new movie “Poms”) and mused about why De Niro needs so much money that he has to keep making terrible movie.

But on Wednesday Huston said on Andy Cohen’s Sirius show, “I hope I didn’t hurt anyone’s feelings. And if I did, I hope they come back at me.”

She added, “I can’t say that I felt I was saying anything wildly out of place, because most of the things are in my books anyway.”