Celebrity News

Julia Louis-Dreyfus doesn’t want to sully ‘Seinfeld’ with a reunion

Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Julia Louis-DreyfusTiffany Nicholson for PorterEdit

“Seinfeld” fans shouldn’t count on seeing a reboot in the future.

“I don’t want to sully it,” Julia Louis-Dreyfus told PorterEdit in a new interview. “It was pretty special and it’s been a long time now. You don’t want to f–k something like that up.”

The 58-year-old “Veep” star also opened up about her breast cancer diagnosis, which she’s been battling since 2017.

“[Cancer] finally crystallized my priorities, which didn’t really need that much crystallization. But I would certainly say that I have an even deeper appreciation for the good stuff,” she said, adding, “That sounds corny, but it’s f–king true.”

Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Julia Louis-DreyfusTiffany Nicholson for PorterEdit

HBO announced later that year they would wait for Louis-Dreyfus to regain her strength before completing the final season of the series, which is currently airing.

“We weren’t shooting, but I read scripts. My rounds of chemotherapy were three weeks apart, so at the end of every three weeks I would go in and do table reads,” she said. “The effects of chemotherapy are cumulative, so I definitely felt that more towards the end, but going to work was a very joyful distraction, and I was so pleased to have the strength to do it.”

And of her 11-Emmy awards she’s won over her career playing Elaine Benes, Christine Campbell and Selina Meyer, she admits some of them are hiding under her bed.

“I don’t want to keep them all in one spot – that feels sort of show-off-y,” she explained.