Richard Johnson

Richard Johnson

Celebrity News

Brooke Mueller calls TSA’s hour-long search ‘borderline abusive’

Charlie Sheen’s ex-wife Brooke Mueller missed her flight from LA to Miami on Friday because Transportation Security Administration agents examined her for an hour, a source says.

Mueller, who has 10-year-old twin boys with Sheen, has a well-documented history of cocaine abuse and has been in and out of rehab, but says she has been sober for a year.

“They strip-searched her more than once. They combed her hair looking for who knows what and kept sending her bags back and forth. It was harassment,” a family member told me.

“They swiped her hands so many times with those cloths and the bottom of her feet. An hour later, of course they find nothing because she’s sober and doing well.”

A TSA spokesperson said, “TSA pat-downs are conducted by officers of the same gender as the passenger. In addition, TSA does not ask travelers to remove their clothing for pat-downs. TSA is focused on threats to aircraft security, and does not look for drugs.”

When American Airlines couldn’t put her on a later flight, Mueller was able to fly on JetBlue.

Mueller was reluctant to discuss the embarrassing incident but said, “The invasion of my body was borderline abusive. It’s not like they had just cause to treat me like a drug smuggler.”