Richard Johnson

Richard Johnson

Celebrity News

Oscar statue seems to spend time with Liza Minnelli and Michael Feinstein

A misleading Facebook post by musician Michael Feinstein recently had some fans believing he had swiped an Oscar from Liza Minnelli.

Liza’s longtime pianist collaborator and his husband, Terrence Flannery, have taken increasingly larger roles in the diva’s life since she moved from New York to Los Angeles four years ago.

On the night of the Academy Awards, Feinstein posted a photo of a gold Oscar statuette and identified it as Vincente Minnelli’s 1959 Best Director Oscar for “Gigi.”

“Vincente gifted me this beautiful statue many, many year [sic] ago. It remains on the mantel in my bedroom, so I may appreciate it and Mr. Minnelli’s immense talent, daily,” the post stated.

Michael Feinstein and Liza Minnelli
Michael Feinstein and Liza MinnelliAurora Rose/WWD/REX/Shutterstock

Liza fans were immediately suspicious. “There is nothing more sacred to Liza on Earth than her father’s Oscar. No way she would give it away,” one longtime friend told me.

Liza’s frequent accompanist Billy Stritch sarcastically commented: “Wow I didn’t realize that was your Oscar! So nice of you to let Liza display it in her apartment for all those years. Bet you’re glad to have it back in your bedroom!” He later deleted the comment.

Feinstein finally cleared up the confusion, editing his post last week to blame “an assistant in my employ” for the “misinformation.”

“The photo was taken a few years ago during construction at Liza’s home,” Feinstein explained. “I kept it for safekeeping while workers and strangers had full run of her home during a remodel. Upon construction completion, the Oscar was safely returned to Liza’s possession.”

The two performed “New York, New York,” together on Thursday at a Hudson Yards opening ceremony with Feinstein tickling the ivories and Liza wowing the VIP crowd.