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Terry Crews says he was also targeted by AMI and ‘called their bluff’

Terry Crews claims he, too, was targeted by American Media Inc. and CEO David Pecker — but the actor allegedly “called their bluff by releasing the threats online.”

“This same company, AMI, tried to silence me in my lawsuit against @wme and Adam Venit by fabricating stories of me with prostitutes — and even went so far as creating fake receipts,” Crews tweeted on Friday.

“I called their bluff by releasing their threats online,” he said. “They blinked.”

The “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” star now joins Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and others in accusing AMI and Pecker of blackmail.

Bezos claims the National Enquirer, which is owned by AMI, threatened to publish a nude photo of him if he didn’t stop probing the magazine’s exposure of his affair and publicly admit that the reporting was in no way “politically motivated.”

Journalist Ronan Farrow claims he and at least one other “prominent journalist involved in breaking stories about the National Enquirer’s arrangement with Trump fielded similar ‘stop digging or we’ll ruin you’ blackmail efforts from AMI.”

The company has admitted to buying the rights to potentially embarrassing stories about the commander-in-chief in an effort to keep them under wraps. Pecker is also known to be one of Trump’s longtime pals. However, the Enquirer denies any wrongdoing.

“If AMI was ‘helpful’ to the president during the campaign it was because the audience of the National Enquirer was one of the most supportive of his candidacy,” magazine editor Dylan Howard told reporters last April. “We covered him for a business reason.”