
Teen gets probation for trying to steal plane to fly to Famous Dex show

Zemarcuis Scott
Zemarcuis ScottTexarkana Police Department

An Arkansas teenager was sentenced to five-years probation after he tried to steal a commercial jet and fly to Chicago to see a Famous Dex show.

Zemarcuis Scott, 18, received a five-year felony probation term late last week after he pleaded guilty to attempted theft of property and commercial burglary, reports the Texarkana Gazette.

Scott was arrested during the early hours of July 4 after he jumped a fence at the Texarkana Regional Airport and attempted to steal an American Eagle twin-engine jet that he intended to fly to Chicago to see the “Japan” rapper perform.

The teenager reportedly told authorities he wasn’t concerned about not knowing how to fly a plane, assuming it was as simple as pressing some buttons and pulling some levers. =

In addition to probation, Scott was also ordered to pay a $1,000 fine, related court costs and participate in any mental-health treatment deemed necessary by the probation department.