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Kids pack Per Se for annual First Time Diners meal

The luxurious lunch scene at Per Se looked a little different last week when the eatery hosted its annual First Time Diners meal — where kids are invited to sample the eatery’s elaborate seven-course tasting menu free of charge, accompanied by their paying parents.

The concept, by chef Thomas Keller, was inspired by the former Four Seasons restaurant, we’re told.

“It’s very near and dear to chef’s heart and inspired by his own experience taking his then-12-year-old niece to lunch at the Four Seasons,” said a foodie.

Dishes served to underage eaters on Friday included poularde “pot pie,” fish and chips with spigarello kale, violet yam and caper cream, a wedge salad with blue cheese dressing, and orecchiette.

Tasteful tykes were mostly on their best behavior, but the servers had a sense of humor about some unusual situations.

Most diners at Per Se probably don’t react by sticking out their tongues, throwing their napkins over their heads and groaning, as one boy did when served beef wrapped in cabbage.

His parents scarfed up the allegedly objectionable item.

Meals came with a tour of the kitchen. Dessert included “coffee and doughnuts,” in which the coffee was a frozen mousse that looked like a cappuccino.

Keller is also behind Bouchon Bakery and the French Laundry.