Celebrity News

Kathy Griffin lashes out at Don Cheadle for not defending her

Kathy Griffin proved the president isn’t the only “Don” she has a beef with after she lambasted Don Cheadle for being another “Hollywood movie star phony.”

Hours after the “Miles Ahead” star, 54, posted a photo in support of Sleeping Giant, a group focused on ending bigotry and sexism in America, the 58-year-old comedian lashed out at him for failing to have her back

“Oh GREAT Don,” she tweeted. “I will never forgive you for your nasty tweet the day my smear campaign started. You know it was a f–king smear campaign and you have never taken a moment to apologize. Some liberal you are. Yes, my memory is long my ex friend. Shame on you. I kept a list. Fear me.”

Cheadle responded to Griffin with a simple “huh?”

The tweet only served to further anger the comedian, who resumed berating the actor.

“You don’t remember?” she tweeted. “Look up your tweets from May 30, 2017 or May 31. You. Of all people. Just another Hollywood movie star phony. You really had a problem with my photo? U don’t know a smear campaign from the oval office, the tabloids, the actual news, two federal investigations?”

At the height of the controversy surrounding the photo, Cheadle defended the comedian’s politics to one Twitter user, before, according to Indie Wire, writing, “That pic though.”

She continued, “Huh? You’re a dick in real life, but believe it or not I truly hope what I went through never happens to you. Never. And if it did I would be the first in line to stand up for you, get my ass on television and do everything I could to defend you & the 1st amendment. It’s easy don.”

Cheadle responded shortly after, tweeting that as far as he was concerned, he and Griffin were never friends, but if they were, he would have urged her not to pose for the provocative photoshoot.

He also tweeted that he is “taking every opportunity to oppose [Donald Trump] and support those looking to unseat him, IS defending you albeit not your personal, cringe worthy photo-op.”

Griffin has yet to respond to Cheadle.