Richard Johnson

Richard Johnson

Celebrity News

Sharon Bush wasn’t invited to George H.W. Bush’s funeral

Sharon Bush — ex-wife of Neil Bush — is steamed she wasn’t invited to President George H.W. Bush’s funeral.

Sharon informed Neil that she hoped to sit with their three children, Lauren, Pierce and Ashley, at the service for her former father-in-law, but Neil’s secretary got back to her with the snub, claiming there were not enough pews in the Washington National Cathedral.

“I was going to take the train down. I wanted to pay my respects,” Sharon told me. “But I paid my respects by raising three wonderful children during a 23-year marriage.”

Instead, Sharon had lunch with Anne Hearst and Cynthia Germanotta, Lady Gaga’s mom, during the funeral.

Lauren, wife of Ralph Lauren’s son David, has provided 100 million meals through her Feed Bag initiative. Pierce is head of Texas’ Big Brothers Big Sisters. And Ashley tutors women in safe houses.

“I taught them everything they know about ‘points of light’ by taking them to soup kitchens and homeless shelters from the time they were 4 years old. I didn’t want them spoiled,” Sharon said. “I did this. Neil was never around. He was always traveling.”

Neil could not be reached for comment.