Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams

Celebrity News

Manhattan’s ‘most famous’ DA Linda Fairstein recalls old Cosby case

Thirty years — 1972 to 2002 — Linda Fairstein was with the Manhattan DA’s office. In 1976, she was named chief of the sex crimes unit. Nailing the biggest and sleaziest, she’s been called our most famous sex-crimes prosecutor.

Today, she’s a major author — 23 books. Most are best sellers. Many are films.

“I never wanted to be a DA. Even today, I still try to help. I’m actually working on cases now.”

About Harvey Weinstein, no opinion. “I know him. And his lawyer. And I’m not comfortable discussing a pending case.”

About Bill Cosby — plenty to say: “A really smart young woman, age 19, met Cosby on his set in Astoria. He invited her to his East Side house for dinner, saying his wife, Camille, would be there. She wasn’t. Nobody was. Places were set for dinner near his bedroom. Cosby then went inside and changed to very casual clothes, like pajamas.”

“He poured wine. She didn’t drink. Thinking this whole picture seemed wrong and feeling this was no place to be, she got out, went home and told her parents, who called the police. He hadn’t done anything. No crime was committed because she’d fortunately left. But when this came to me, I read the law to her and said we’d support her in whatever path she took.”

“So when Cosby stories started to erupt, I already knew the background.”
Linda’s opinion on the #MeToo movement?

“Once that opened, it showed the need for women who deserve to be heard. Have a voice. Come forward, establish your merit.”

“This stuff’s gone on as long as I can remember. Some are crimes. Some sexual harassment. Maybe it’s bad language. Maybe it’s using the word ‘crime’ interchangeably. Maybe the case is civil, not criminal.”

“In any case, some things you look at skeptically. Like one teenager who went to 10 parties then made an accusation. Really? Well, did it make sense for a teenager to go back to 10 parties?”

Look for Fairstein’s 23rd novel in bookstores soon.

Out and about on the town

Santa seems itchy. Fifth Avenue’s flashy Louis Vuitton store already has a sparkly, silvery, tinsely, dressed-up Christmas tree in its window . . . Michael Longoria, who played Frankie Valli in Broadway’s “Jersey Boys,” will perform his “Merry Christmas Darling” album to share love during the holiday season, Dec. 10, at Birdland . . . Spike Lee and Tonya celebrated their 25th anniversary with a trip to Paris . . . BEN Vereen having pre-Thanksgiving turkey working at the Cutting Room. The cranberry sauce he’ll grab after jetting to Atlanta to join Queen Latifah and Brandy on the TV series “Star.”

A ‘Rush’ to judge

Rush Limbaugh: “Democrats who win won’t help the country. They’ll just spend the next six months getting even with the Republicans.” . . . How late revelers revel on New Year’s Eve at Mar-a-Lago, who knows? They better sleep fast, because its New Year’s Day buffet lunch is at 1 p.m.

Pics to prove it

Thanks to Starpix photos for sending me the picture of His Eminence Cardinal Dolan, Radio City’s Rockettes, the animals for the Music Hall’s Christmas show manger — and me. I’m appreciative — however, the camel looks better than I do.

A split decision

Rudy Giuliani’s longtime devoted pal Tony Carbonetti: “The day Rudy’s divorce began he looked at me and said: ‘I got a hundred phone calls today. Everybody congratulated me.’ ”

At an Albany holiday dinner: “We’re happy it’s getting to that time of year again — and now we’re going to introduce our guest of honor. We finally raised his bail.”

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.