Celebrity News

Scares for Bill Maher, Michael Moore in wake of mail bomb threats

There was a scare in Hollywood on Monday when a suspicious package addressed to Bill Maher was reported to authorities — and the powerhouse management firm that reps the comic had to evacuate its offices.

Sources told Page Six that Brillstein Entertainment — which reps Maher, as well as Brad Pitt, Rob Lowe and Courteney Cox — had been warned by authorities that Maher’s name was on a list of potential targets by alleged mail bomber Cesar Sayoc, as was Brillstein’s Wilshire Blvd. address.

“The FBI had contacted Brillstein,” a source said, “they were already on alert.”

When a suspicious package did arrive addressed to Maher on Monday, the firm contacted the FBI. An LA law enforcement source confirmed to us that there was an investigation at Brillstein’s offices that was handled by Beverly Hills cops, while the FBI was aware of the incident.

Staff was evacuated for 90 minutes. It luckily turned out to be a false alarm. “It didn’t turn out to be anything,” said a source.

A source told us that the Maher incident was one of “three or four” suspicious-package reports called in to LA authorities on Monday, as the town remains on edge since suspected bomber Sayoc’s reported list of 100 names included entertainers and media types. Another suspicious package was reported at a Pasadena U-Haul.

Sources told us that police also visited the home and office of Michael Moore on Monday in Traverse City, Mich. Local reports said nothing was found.

Moore revealed this week that he caught Sayoc on film at a Trump rally while making his doc “Fahrenheit 11/9,” but said the footage didn’t make it into the finished film. He released the clip online.

A photo of Moore superimposed with a target was plastered on Sayoc’s van.

Among those on Sayoc’s alleged list who were sent explosives are Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and Robert De Niro.

Reps for Maher — the outspoken host of HBO’s “Real Time With Bill Maher” — as well as the FBI and Beverly Hills police did not comment.

Maher spoke about the bomber on his show Friday and slammed Trump by saying of the president’s tweet blaming “Mainstream Media”: “That sounds like he’s not condemning the bomber; it sounds to me like he’s partnering with him.”

Moore said in a statement: “There are millions and millions of us who will never be intimidated, who will never back down, and who will show up on Election Day.”