Celebrity News

Protesters descend on Louis C.K.’s latest stand-up gig

Disgraced comedian Louis C.K. continued his attempt to make a comeback with a set at a club in Manhattan on Monday night — and was picketed by protesters.

The stand-up comic — who less than a year ago admitted to masturbating in front of a slew of women without their consent — performed at the 9:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. shows at the Comedy Cellar in Greenwich Village.

The 51-year-old, who was hit with the cancellation of an upcoming film and severed ties with HBO and Netflix after becoming one of the most prominent men brought down in the wake of the #MeToo movement, drew protesters who believed he should not be welcomed back to the stage.

“He sexually harassed a bunch of women and lied about it for years…,” Lana McCray, 27, told The Post when asked why she was protesting outside the club Monday night.

“He shouldn’t feel comfortable performing here when he makes so many people feel uncomfortable because of what he does. He shouldn’t get to feel comfortable,” she said.

Another protester held a sign that read: “When you support Louis C.K. you tell women that your laughter is more important than their sexual assaults and loss of their careers.”

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Protesters outside of Louis CK's show at the Comedy Cellar
Protesters outside Louis C.K.'s show at the Comedy CellarRobert Mecea
Robert Mecea

This was the fifth time he’s performed as part of his recent comeback, but it’s the first time his name was put on the bill beforehand.

During an Oct. 10 set at West Side Comedy Club, C.K. joked that he “lost $35 million in an hour” because of the masturbation scandal. He also cracked self-deprecating jokes during a set at Caroline’s the same day.

One attendee at the Monday show, who declined to give his name, said the show was “not polished” but that C.K. did acknowledge the scandal in his set.

“That’s what everyone wants him to do and he did it.”

Tom Jones, who was visiting the Big Apple from Wales, said C.K.’s set was “very good” — but “not nowhere near the best.”

Other comics booked at the club Monday included Michelle Wolf and Nikki Glaser, from the movie “Trainwreck.”