Celebrity News

Sarah Ferguson shills for fad diet that lets you eat pizza, pasta

The Duchess of York has signed on as a pitchwoman for curious dietician Gianluca Mech, Page Six has learned exclusively.

And perhaps not surprisingly, this news about Sarah Ferguson — whom the British press unforgivably called “The Duchess of Pork” because of her up-and-down weight — is seeping out on the week of the wedding of her daughter, Princess Eugenie, when the eyes of the world will be on her royal relatives.

When Page Six contacted Mech for comment, he confirmed that the duchess is now a spokesperson for his company in the US and Europe.

We’re told the duchess — who was a Weight Watchers spokesperson for years — already appeared at the University of Padua in Italy to promote Mech’s diet products, which “guarantee weight loss” by eating pasta and pizza and taking something called a “diuretic tonic,” among other products.

Ivana Trump memorably launched an “anti-obesity campaign” with Mech this year.

A rep for the duchess’s foundation didn’t get back to us.