Celebrity News

Kevin Spacey, Anthony Anderson and Steven Seagal escape sex crimes charges

The Harvey Weinstein sex crime cases that the LAPD and the Beverly Hills Police handed over to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office are still under review, but Kevin Spacey, Anthony Anderson and Steven Seagal can breathe a little easier today.

Jackie Lacey’s office announced today that it has decided not to pursue assault charges against the trio. For the ex-“House of Cards” star and Vladimir Putin’s pal, the statute of limitations proved the saving grace. Put in the hands of the top prosecutors on Aug. 22, the second sexual assault investigation involving Oscar-winner Spacey is still under review by the LA DA, sources confirm to Deadline.

In the case of the “black-ish” star, the LA DA’s office said “the reporting party has declined to be interviewed by the investigating officer.”  Anderson has always strongly denied the claims since it became known earlier this summer that the LAPD was looking into the matter.

The special task force established by Lacey last fall to center on Hollywood allegations first announced on Aug. 9 that it had been handed the file on Seagal and Anderson.

As well as facing potential life behind bars in a criminal case in New York, Weinstein faces nearly a dozen lawsuits filed by some of the 80 women who have accused him of sexual assault and harassment.