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Reporter fired over Chrissy Teigen tiff has found a new calling

A Twitter war with Chrissy Teigen led a tabloid reporter into the light.

In 2016, Us Weekly’s Jon Warech was fired for getting into a protracted tussling with Teigen over a story that was based on a red-carpet interview he did with her.

Warech told us that he found himself in a period of soul-searching after the ugly episode, and he began volunteering.

Now, he’s left the rough and tumble of journalism behind entirely, and he’s working full time in public service, recently being named as the director of students’ organization, Florida International University Hillel.

“The whole debacle with Chrissy Teigen just felt icky,” he told us. “Afterwards I started volunteering for the Holocaust Memorial in Miami Beach and the March of the Living and I found my calling. Now I’m truly in a dream job — so thanks Chrissy.”

Teigen’s rep didn’t get back to us.

Teigen had gone after Warech because the offending item had the headline, “Chrissy Teigen: We’re hiring a night nurse for baby.”

When she accused him of trying to make her “look like a poor, uncaring mother and get people talking,” Warech told her that he didn’t write the headlines, and sent a screenshot of the quotes he had sent to an Us Weekly editor.