Celebrity News

Robin Wright on Kevin Spacey: ‘I didn’t know the man’

Robin Wright was shocked by the sexual assault allegations against her “House of Cards” co-star Kevin Spacey.

“I was surprised, of course, and ultimately saddened,” Wright, 52, told “Today” in an interview that aired Monday.

“Kevin and I knew each other between action and cut and in between setups where we would giggle,” she added softly. “I didn’t know the man. I knew the incredible craftsman that he is.”

The actress, who stars as first lady-turned-president Claire Underwood in the Netflix hit, was happy to still be able to bring the series to a close in its sixth season, which was always planned to be the last despite Spacey’s firing.

Spacey, 58, was accused of numerous instances of sexual misconduct, beginning with an alleged unwanted sexual advance on “Star Trek: Discovery” actor Anthony Rapp when Rapp was just 14 years old.

Numerous other allegations followed, ranging from sexual harassment to sexual assault, with police in London and Los Angeles investigating claims against the Oscar-winning thespian.

Robin Wright and Kevin Spacey in "House of Cards"
Robin Wright and Kevin Spacey in “House of Cards”Netflix

“I’m beyond horrified to hear his story. I honestly do not remember the encounter, it would have been over 30 years ago,” Spacey responded to Rapp’s accusations in October 2017. “But if I did behave as he describes, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior, and I am sorry for the feelings he describes having carried with him all these years … As those closest to me know, in my life, I have had relationships with both men and women. I have loved and had romantic relationships with men throughout my life, and I choose now to live as a gay man. I want to deal with this honestly and openly and that starts with examining my own behavior.”

Spacey also sought unspecified treatment after the allegations went public.

“We were co-workers really, we didn’t socialize outside of work,” Wright — who, said co-star Patricia Clarkson, “led the charge” to finish out the show — explained of her relationship with Spacey. “We had a respectful, professional relationship. He was so great with me. He was never disrespectful to me. That’s my personal experience. That’s the only thing that I feel I have the right to talk about.”

Wright hasn’t spoken to Spacey since he was cut from the series and admitted she didn’t even know how to reach him.

She also claimed to have been subjected to sexual harassment in her own career, though not at Spacey’s hands, and said that she doesn’t believe sexual misconduct is an issue of lust as much as it is of lust for power.

“Of course, who hasn’t?” she said. “This is a bigger, broader issue … Seduction — I don’t care who you are, it’s about power. And once you overpower someone, that person then begins [to be] vulnerable.”