Celebrity News

Roseanne Barr ‘begged’ ABC to keep her show on the air

Roseanne Barr claimed on Thursday that she “begged” top ABC brass not to cancel her show, offering to go on an extended apology tour for her vile tweets.

But Barr’s pleas for mercy were rejected by Disney/ABC Television Group President Ben Sherwood who deemed the actress’ racist and anti-Semitic posts were beyond redemption, according to the “Roseanne” star.

“I begged Ben Sherwood at ABC 2 let me apologize & make amends. I begged them not to cancel the show,” Barr tweeted on Thursday night.

“I told them I was willing to do anything & asked 4 help in making things right. I’d worked doing publicity4 them 4free for weeks, traveling, thru bronchitis. I begged4 ppls jobs.”

She also claimed in a since-deleted tweet Thursday night that she offered to go to the hospital and “check my meds” in an effort to save her television show.

“I also told Ben Sherman that I would go in hospital to check my meds, bc the stress had made them less effective,” Barr wrote.

Then 25 minutes after the initial tweet, Barr followed up with: “He said: what were you thinking when you did this? I said: I thought she was white, she looks like my family!
He scoffed & said: ‘what u have done is egregious, and unforgivable.’ I begged 4 my crews jobs. Will I ever recover from this pain? Omg.”

ABC’s abrupt cancellation of “Roseanne” cost about 200 actors, writers and crew members their job.