Celebrity News

Kim Kardashian will visit the White House to discuss prison reform

Kim Kardashian will visit the White House on Wednesday for a meeting with President Trump and Jared Kushner to discuss prison reform, according to a published report.

Kardashian and her lawyer have been working on this meeting for months, Vanity Fair said.

The wife of Trump supporter Kanye West is expected to ask Trump to pardon a woman serving life behind bars for a drug offense, the magazine reported.

Kardashian has been moved by the story of Alice Johnson, a 62-year-old great grandmother who has already been locked up for 21 years now.

The reality queen came upon the story on Twitter and originally reached out to first daughter Ivanka Trump before getting this White House audience, VF reported.

“I’ve been in communication with the White House and trying to bring her case to the president’s desk and figure out how we can get her out,” Kardashian told Mic earlier this month.

“That’s such a huge step from where we started with that not even being on their radar.”