Celebrity News

Sean Avery feuds with dog groomer over ‘s–t tip’ text

Hotheaded former hockey player Sean Avery is even fighting with his dog groomer.

Avery, who owns Chihuahuas Winnie and Chloe, posted a text on Instagram Tuesday that was accidentally sent to him by DoggyStyle owner Andy Schulman.

Schulman had intended to send the message to one of her workers.

“Put tip on card,” Schulman writes in the text. “Sean is cheap and gives s - - t tip so I tell him when he comes, you’re all set, we just rang up using card on file.”

Catching Schulman in the act, Avery responds in the exchange, “LOL. Whoops.”

Reached for comment, Schulman claims the former Rangers star — nicknamed “Page Six Sean” by the team — also threatened her.

“I went back through all the credit card charges and I did put on a 20 percent tip on one credit card, which I have since refunded, [as well as] the cost of that day’s grooming,” she told us. “I’ve sent him copies of all his credit card receipts. It was poor judgment on my part; it was stupid.”

She added, “I did apologize to him and he told me he just didn’t care. He wants his money back for the whole year or he’ll take it to the next level. I’ve been getting phony calls to my business” since his post went up.

Avery wrote in his post that he’s spent $2,853.33 since June and tips $20 on a $200 bill.

He couldn’t be reached for comment.