Celebrity News

Why Cosby says he didn’t have sex with Andrea Constand

Jurors in Bill Cosby‘s sex assault retrial heard Tuesday that “America’s Dad” told cops he never had sex with his accuser — because he doesn’t like intercourse.

“I like the petting, the touching,” the disgraced comedian told the officers who interviewed him about possible sexual encounters between himself and accuser Andrea Constand.

Constand, 45, claims that Cosby drugged and molested her inside his Cheltenham, Pa., estate in January 2004. The accusations prompted cops from the Cheltenham Police Department to quiz Cosby at his lawyer’s New York City office on Jan. 26, 2005.

“So you never had sexual intercourse [with Constand]?” police Lt. Richard Pethel asked the actor during the interview.

“Never asleep nor awake,” responded the now-80-year-old, who has been accused of drugging and sexually assaulting some 60 women in all.

“Why didn’t you have sexual intercourse?” Cosby was asked.

“I don’t like it,” he replied.

The exchange was part of a transcript read to jurors by Chelteham police Sgt. Richard Schaffer, who was present during the quizzing.

The panel also heard that when the then-68-year-old Cosby was asked if he had a prescription for Viagra, he said no.

He told police Constand never initiated anything but was a “willing participant” to him sexually touching her.

“Did she want the relationship to go further than petting?” a cop asked Cosby, according to the transcript.

“No,” Cosby replied.

Under questioning, the married TV pioneer said he and Constand had engaged in three separate consensual encounters.

Constand, who stepped down from the stand Monday, says that though Cosby “came on” to her before the alleged assault — putting his hand on her thigh and once trying to unbutton her pants — she stopped him and they never shared any consensual sexual contact.

She described accepting pills from Cosby that he said would help her “relax,” and then losing control of her body and emerging from a stupor to Cosby spooning her rigid frame and sexually assaulting her.

“We were talking about sleep, and her stress,” Cosby told cops in 2005, going on to agree when cops asked if he’d handed her the pills to relax her.

“Yes, and I felt comfortable doing that,” the entertainer added.

“The Andrea I knew is either ADD, or has a learning disability,” Cosby said later in the interview. “It just became work, which is why I was happy when she found the masseuse thing and went back to Canada.”

Cosby faces three counts of aggravated indecent assault. If convicted, he faces up to 10 years behind bars on each count.