Celebrity News

Artie Lange hospitalized after doctor tells him he’s at risk of a stroke

Artie Lange’s unhealthy past continues to haunt him.

The comedian, who’s been trying to turn his life around, took to Twitter Thursday to tell fans he’d spent time in the hospital this week.

“I went in the hospital to get my blood sugar under control,” he tweeted. “I’m out to go to work. I missed too many days & I insisted. My blood pressure is way up. So I have to go back in tonight til it’s down. I’m payin for an unhealthy life. When the medication is right I will be fine.”

Lange, 50, then went on to explain that he’d gotten scared after a doctor told him he was in danger of suffering a stroke.

“So don’t worry. But when a doctor says I’m in danger of a stroke unless I change everything I do I get insanely scared. I hate the hospital but they said if I don’t go back they’d refuse to treat me. I will do this guys,” he added. “I ain’t ready to check out yet.”

Last month Lange informed fans that he had been sober for 32 days.

The news came after a particularly rough year, in which the comedian and radio personality was arrested for possession of cocaine and heroin, claimed he had been fired from the Judd Apatow’s HBO series “Crashing” (a claim the director denied), hospitalized for high blood sugar and arrested again for skipping court.