Celebrity News

Corey Feldman channels Michael Jackson at Sundance

Corey Feldman still gets inspiration from close pal Michael Jackson.

Courtney Anne Mitchell and Corey FeldmanGetty Images

Spies spotted the ’80s star and his wife, Courtney Anne Mitchell, channeling the late King of Pop at a party for the Sundance movie “Nancy.”

“They were rocking a Michael Jackson-style [look], featuring a customized silver metallic and black bejeweled studded leather jacket, silver metallic hoodie and skinny jeans,” a spy told us. “He said he had the jackets custom-made.”

The source added: “They held hands entering the party, posed for pictures . . . then broke out into a MJ-style dance.”

Guests called Feldman “Benjamin Button.” The source said, “He’s so petite. It’s as if he’s aging in reverse. He seemed in great spirits.”

The bash was held at the WanderLuxxe House on Saturday.