Celebrity News

Robin Wright is seeing a sexy younger man

Robin Wright has moved on again with a younger man.

The “Wonder Woman” star is spending the holidays skiing with a handsome new beau, Clement Giraudet, worldwide VIP relations manager at upscale French fashion house Saint Laurent, in Tahoe City, Calif., a source exclusively tells Page Six.

“House of Cards” icon Wright, 51, and debonair Frenchman Giraudet were first pictured looking cozy together in September during Paris fashion week at a soccer match at Parc des Princes Stadium. Her son Hopper, from her previous marriage to actor Sean Penn, also was with them. But Clement was labeled at the time as a “mystery man.” Wright had been in Paris that month attending the chic brand’s spring 2018 fashion show.

In May, she gave a talk sponsored by Kering, the luxury group which oversees YSL, during the Cannes Film Festival, while she was there promoting her short film “The Dark of Night.” Tousled-haired surfing fan Giraudet also posted images of himself at the film festival, but they were not spotted together.

Now it looks like things are serious between the pair. According to a source, Giraudet has been staying at Wright’s home when he visits Los Angeles.

Clement Giraudet, Robin Wright and her son Hopper Penn at a soccer match in SeptemberGetty Images

This week, he has been posting Instagram Stories while skiing the slopes at Squaw Valley, with a source telling us they are staying together at an upscale resort.

Wright was married to Penn for 14 years. They have two children and remain on amicable terms. She was formerly engaged to “X-Men” actor Ben Foster, who was 14 years her junior. They called things off in 2015 after breaking up and reuniting.

And Wright will take the lead in sixth and final season of “House of Cards,” which starts filming early next year, now that Kevin Spacey has been removed over allegations of sexual misconduct.

A rep for Wright did not respond for comment. Giraudet, who has more than 35,000 followers, made his Instagram private after we reached out.