Celebrity News

Mario Batali botches apology with holiday recipe

Mario Batali is trying to stay on brand.

In an email newsletter sent to subscribers Friday evening, the disgraced celebrity chef apologized for the sexual misconduct accusations brought against him, and concluded with a “fan favorite” holiday recipe.

“I have made many mistakes and I am so very sorry that I have disappointed my friends, my family, my fans and my team,” he wrote. “My behavior was wrong and there are no excuses. I take full responsibility.”

Signed as “-mb” the former “Chew” co-host left a link to pizza dough cinnamon rolls, for a “holiday-inspired breakfast.”

When allegations against Batali first emerged this week, he didn’t deny them in a statement released to Eater.

“Although the identities of most of the individuals mentioned in these stories have not been revealed to me, much of the behavior described does, in fact, match up with ways I have acted,” he said.

Batali’s recipes and products may also become a thing of the past as his merchandise will soon be wiped from the shelves of Target and Walmart.