Celebrity News

Kevin Spacey seeking treatment amid sexual misconduct claims

Kevin Spacey is seeking treatment amid multiple allegations of sexual misconduct – including from actors and former staffers at a London theater where the “House of Cards” star was artistic director.

“Kevin Spacey is taking the time necessary to seek evaluation and treatment,” Spacey’s rep said in a statement to The Post. “No other information is available at this time.”

Mexican actor Roberto Cavazos said he recalled a “couple of unpleasant encounters” with Spacey, including being “squeezed” by him in the bar of The Old Vic theater, The Guardian reported.

Spacey served as the artistic director at the Old Vic between 2005 and 2015.

A former employee told the news outlet: “We were all involved in keeping it quiet. I witnessed him groping men many times in all sorts of different situations.”

Cavazos said there were several young men with a “Kevin Spacey story.”

“It seems that it only took a male under 30 to make Mr. Spacey feel free to touch us,” he wrote on Facebook, adding that when the disgraced actor was at the bar, he was “squeezing whoever caught his attention.”

Cavazos recalled being told that Spacey would invited young makle actors to the theater to “talk about their careers.”

“When they arrived at the theatre, [Spacey] had prepared a picnic with champagne on the stage, beautifully lit,” he said.

Cavazos described his direct experiences with Spacey as on the edge of harassment.

“Had I been a woman, I probably would not have hesitated to identify it as such, but I suppose that the lack of a more specifically direct or aggressive action led me to justify the incident as ‘one of those things,’” he said.

A former Old Vic worker, who asked to remain anonymous, told The Guardian that he saw Spacey take advantage of someone after a 2011 shindig.

“We were all involved in keeping it quiet. I witnessed him groping men many times in all sorts of different situations … at his apartment in North Lambeth and even at the Old Vic itself and his favorite pub the Pineapple, which is right near the Old Vic. He was taking advantage of the fact that he is this great icon,” he said.

“He touched men on the crotch. Doing it really fast so they couldn’t get out of the way.”

Rebecca Gooden, who interned at the theater in 2010, said stories about Spacey’s lecherous behavior were common.

She told The Guardian that she was told that “pretty” young men were not hired to work in the theater administration after a prior incident.

“There was a running ‘joke’ about it,” she said. “I was informed that I was not allowed to talk about it outside the theater. I am honestly sickened that the theater has chosen to plead ignorance.”

The theater said in a statement: “The Old Vic is not currently in a position to comment on specifics of what may have taken place in the past.”

The latest allegations come after Spacey apologized to actor Anthony Rapp, who accused him of trying to seduce him in 1986 when he was 14.

In his recent tweeted apology, Spacey, 58, admitted for the first time that he is gay.

“I have a lot of respect and admiration for Anthony Rapp as an actor,” Spacey wrote. “I’m beyond horrified to hear his story. I honestly do not remember the encounter, it would have been over 30 years ago.

“But if I did behave as he describes, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior, and I am sorry for the feelings he describes having carried with him all these years.”

His decision to use the apology statement to come out as gay angered many in the LGBT community and beyond, who said he had made his personal announcement to deflect attention from Rapp’s account.

Production on the sixth and final season of “House of Cards” has been suspended indefinitely.