Celebrity News

Actress claims colleagues shielded her from Weinstein

Actress and director Anna Wilding said in an interview Thursday that she was stopped from being alone with Harvey Weinstein by two colleagues who said, “No, not this one.”

Wilding told WABC’s Rita Cosby that she was going into an elevator for a private meeting with the movie mogul when she was physically “shielded” from Weinstein.

She said the two men “came up to me and literally stood between me and Harvey.”

“They literally lodged their way between me and Harvey, and said ‘No Harvey, not Anna’, or ‘No Harvey, not this one.'”

The incident took place during a Miramax party at the Cannes Film Festival in 1999, she said.

Afterwards, she said the men told her, “‘Anna, you are not safe to be alone with Harvey,’ and they were very clear with me not to ever be alone with Harvey.”