Celebrity News

Lin-Manuel Miranda’s charity single is a ‘love letter to Puerto Rico’

Lin-Manuel Miranda is working on a charity single to benefit victims of Hurricanes Irma and Maria.

“It’s a love letter to Puerto Rico,” Miranda, 37, told CNN Thursday. “I had the idea at 3 in the morning … The initial demo was me singing in a bathroom.”

The track, slated to drop Oct. 6, will feature celebrity guests, though the “Hamilton” creator would only hint at their identities.

“[I] called every Puerto Rican I know [to sing on the song],” he said. “To every artist, I’ve said, ‘Can you help out on this song?’ And they said yes. Without even hearing the song, everyone’s joined in.”

Miranda, whose parents moved to New York from Puerto Rico, has been appealing to fans and followers to help the island, which was devastated by the two consecutive storms and may be without electricity for months.

“There were a few terrifying days where nobody heard from anyone. We were lucky enough to speak to our family, who got limited cell service, and they are holding up and they’re all right, but it’s a gritted-teeth smile, if that makes any sense,” Miranda said. “Food is scarce, water is scarce and everyone is doing everything they can to alleviate that as quickly as possible.”

He added, “Puerto Ricans, that’s 3.5 million American citizens, just like Texas, just like Florida. I know there’s a tendency for fatigue because we’ve just been through two hurricanes. And we can’t be fatigued when it comes to our fellow Americans.”

It’s not the first time Miranda has raised awareness and money for important causes through music. In July 2016, he collaborated with Jennifer Lopez on “Love Make the World Go Round” to benefit victims of the mass shooting at an Orlando nightclub.