Celebrity News

Gwyneth’s Goop fires back at critics and vaginal egg skeptics

Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle brand Goop has clapped back at its haters — a group that includes scientists, doctors, ad execs and many people who simply can’t afford to spend nearly $1,000 on toilet wipes.

A blog post titled “Uncensored: A Word From Our Doctors” blasted Goop’s skeptics on Thursday. The move comes after the site promoted “healing stickers” said to be made of spacesuit material, which a NASA scientist debunked as “a load of BS.”

Perhaps realizing messing with engineers and astrophysicists may not end well, the blog seemed most notably directed at OB-GYN and blogger Dr. Jen Gunter, who slammed Paltrow, 44, for allegedly ignoring science, especially with her notorious cleansing, vaginal steaming and jade egg endorsements.

The editors’ missive reads in part:

Last January, we published a Q&A with Shiva Rose about her jade egg practice, which has helped her (and legions of other women who wrote to us in response) feel more in touch with her sexuality, and more empowered. A San Francisco-based OB-GYN/blogger posted a mocking response on her site, which has the tagline: ‘Wielding the Lasso of Truth.’ (We also love Wonder Woman, though we’re pretty sure she’s into women taking ownership of female sexual pleasure.)

There was a tremendous amount of press pick-up on the doctor’s post, which was partially based on her own strangely confident assertion that putting a crystal in your vagina for pelvic-floor strengthening exercises would put you in danger of getting Toxic Shock Syndrome—even though there is no study/case/report which links the two — and also stating with 100 percent certainty that conventional tampons laden with glyphosate (classified by the WHO as probably carcinogenic) are no cause for concern. Since her first post, she has been taking advantage of the attention and issuing attacks to build her personal platform—ridiculing the women who might read our site in the process.

One of the site’s contributing physicians, Dr. Steven Gundry, took particular offense at Gunter’s use of profanities when calling out his claims that lectins are harmful, and addressed Gunter directly in a letter of his own, writing:

I have been in academic medicine for forty years and up until your posting, have never seen a medical discussion start or end with the “F-bomb,” yet yours did. A very wise Professor of Surgery at the University of Michigan once instructed me to never write anything that my mother or child wouldn’t be proud to read. I hope, for the sake of your mother and child, that a re-reading of your article fails his test, and following his sage advice, that you will remove it.

Paltrow has previously defended Goop from critics of its wellness messages, warning them, “If you want to f—k with me, bring your A game.” However, the Oscar winner also recently admitted, “I don’t know what the f—k we talk about.”

Peruse Gwyneth Paltrow’s most heavily criticized Goop products:

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Gwyneth raved about the benefits of Vagina Steams before "Women's Health" found it could disrupt the natural flora of the vagina and cause burns. Youtube
If you're feeling something missing in your life try a pouch that holds magically charged stones: citrine, clear quartz, black obsidian, rose quartz, amethyst, lapis lazuli, carnelian, and chrysocolla (also known as The Goddess Stone).Goop
And if that fails you can always put a jade egg up your private parts. Goop
In the same breath they recommended these 18k gold dumbbells that go for $125,000. M'oda 'Operandi
Goop at one point recommended a $1,500 prisoner's ball and chain. Those prices are criminal. Blackman Cruz
How annoying is it when you have that tiny bit of toothpaste left in your tube that you just can't get out? With the Cedes Milano toothpaste squeezer that's a thing of the past. Only $244. Cedes Milano
Taking it a step past wet wipes, this is a pack of toilet paper pads wrapped in a ribbon with various beauty creams for the low price of $956. Joseph's
Goop recommended this 24k gold dildo. This thing literally screws you out of your money. Lelo Inez