Emily Smith

Emily Smith

Celebrity News

Big-shot ad execs slam Gwyneth Paltrow

CANNES — Top ad execs are slamming “unconstructive” celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow who come to Cannes Lions to promote their own brands and don’t bring anything to the conversation.

Ogilvy’s co-chairman and worldwide chief creative officer Meng Khai Tham, when asked by City AM’s Elliott Haworth what he would do if he was organizing the Festival of Creativity, said, “I think I would like to see some sort of forum or hothouse or session where clients and creatives could get together. I mean like a hackathon to discuss briefs and problems. And get an insight to the challenges each side faces.

“I would love to see the two sides coming together to get some answers before we leave Cannes. It would be mutually beneficial, and a lot more constructive than guest appearances by celebs like Gwyneth Paltrow.”

Unfortunately for Meng, Paltrow is back in Cannes, and spent all day Monday taking meetings at her five-star hotel with possible advertisers and brand partners for her business Goop.

She will also be on a “trailblazers” panel Tuesday morning with NBCUniversal’s Linda Yaccarino, JPMorgan Chase’s Kristin Lemkau and Girls’ Lounge founder Shelley Zalis.

Paltrow also appeared on a Cannes Lions panel Monday exploring brand partnerships hosted by Ketchum CEO Rob Flaherty.