Celebrity News

Deadlocked jury is the ‘justice’ Cosby wanted

NORRISTOWN, Pa. — Bill Cosby is trumpeting the news that the jury in his sex assault trial is deadlocked as “the justice he was looking for,” his spokesman said Thursday.

The 12 jurors were sent back to try to reach a verdict after telling Montgomery County Judge Steve O’Neill they’ve stalled following roughly 32 hours of deliberations.

“Today, we have really seen Mr. Cosby get the justice he was looking for in Montgomery County,” Andrew Wyatt said outside the courthouse. “These jurors, they have been very judicious, they have taken their time to redo and retry the case in that deliberation room.”

“This deadlock shows the not guilty that Mr. Cosby has been trying to bring about,” he added.

A hung jury is not the equivalent of an acquittal — and Wyatt further explained his use of the word “justice.”

“I did not say vindication,” he said. “Justice means he’s given a fair and impartial jury. That’s justice. That’s what he’s promised.”

Cosby, who smiled as it was announced that the jury was deadlocked, was ushered out of the courtroom and into a back room, where Wyatt said he’s “resting” after calling his wife of 53 years, Camille.

“He is just happy to know he has 12 people of his peers who understand that the facts of this case don’t add up, the inconsistencies with Ms. [Andrea] Constand’s statements,” Wyatt said.

The DA’s Office did not comment.

Also outside the courthouse, one of Bill Cosby’s 60 or so sex-assault accusers, Lili Bernard, was confronted by a small group of women chanting “Free Bill!” and toting “Free Bill Cosby” signs.