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Cosby jury announces it’s deadlocked

NORRISTOWN, Pa. — A smile broke out over Bill Cosby’s face as jurors told a judge Thursday that they are deadlocked in the disgraced funnyman’s sex assault trial.

The jury of seven men and five women passed a note to Montgomery County Judge Steve O’Neill at 11:06 a.m. saying they were unable to reach a verdict after about 32 hours of deliberations over the past four days.

“We cannot come to a unanimous consensus on any of the counts,” the note said — as Cosby smirked in the courtroom.

Meanwhile, accuser Andrea Constand’s shoulders appeared to wilt when the note was read.

O’Neill sent the jurors back to continue deliberating.

“Each of you has a duty to consult with each other to reach a conclusion, if it can be done without violence,” O’Neill joked. “If, after re-deliberation, you are still deadlocked, you should report that to me.”

The jurors are considering three counts of aggravated indecent assault against Cosby for allegedly drugging and molesting former Temple University basketball manager Constand at his home in 2004.

They have been deliberating since Monday.

The 79-year-old comedian faces up to 30 years — 10 years on each count — if convicted.

Outside the courtroom, Jewel Allison, an aspiring actress and model among roughly 60 women who’ve accused Cosby of drugging and raping them, sobbed at the news.

Another accuser, Lili Bernard, looked pained as she sat next to Allison in the hallway.