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A-Rod allegedly sexted another woman while dating J.Lo

Alex Rodriguez allegedly sexted with another woman during his romance with Jennifer Lopez — and tried to arrange a date with his secret paramour, the National Enquirer reports.

The weekly quotes extensively from what they say are racy text messages between the former slugger and buff fitness model Lauren Hunter, which included naked pictures of her.

According to the magazine, Hunter claims she and the ex-Yankee began dating back in 2011, when he was still seeing actress Cameron Diaz, and have been in touch ever since.

Marcus Allen and Lauren HunterFilmMagic

After A-Rod began dating Lopez in March, he and Hunter allegedly “began FaceTiming again three or four times a day and [Hunter] was sending him explicit messages and photos.”

According to the mag, “On May 10 [Rodriguez] told [Hunter] he missed her, and May 11 he asked her to send a video of her [doing a sex act].”

As Page Six first reported in March, Rodriguez and Lopez began seeing each other late in 2016. In mid-March, the new couple went on a romantic trip together to the Bahamas. They’ve been inseparable ever since.

But the magazine alleges that on May 13, A-Rod — who ended his playing career in 2016 — asked Hunter to fly to Kansas City on May 17, where he was providing on-air commentary for Fox, while his former team faced the Royals and J.Lo was in New York filming. But Hunter — who has three children, including one with NFL Hall of Famer Marcus Allen — didn’t make the trip because she couldn’t arrange child care.

Hunter also alleges that, in 2011, the third baseman offered her a $20,000 allowance in return for a threesome with another woman he was with. She said he was “very into threesomes,” liked her to dress up as a schoolgirl and he was “good in bed” (but) “he’s rough” and (ahem) “well endowed.”

A source close to Rodriguez scoffed at the claims, saying, “He and Jennifer are together all the time. Every week the magazines write something ridiculous about their relationship, last week they were getting married, she’s pregnant. It’s laughable.” His rep declined to comment.