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Woman who says she was Jeffrey Epstein’s sex slave settles suit

On the eve of trial, a woman who said she was a sex slave of Jeffrey Epstein settled her defamation lawsuit against the billionaire perv’s former girlfriend, British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell.

The amount of the settlement was undisclosed, but Virginia Giuffre — who claims Maxwell lured her into Epstein’s harem when she was a teenager — said she is “pleased” with the result.

Giuffre sued Maxwell in Manhattan federal court in 2015 for publicly denying that she procured Giuffre for Epstein when she was underage and called Virginia Roberts.

The May 25-scheduled trial was expected to be a show-stopper, with testimony about private planes and rendezvous with wealthy and connected people, including Epstein’s pal Prince Andrew.

Guiffre’s lawyers even said they were going to call Epstein, the infamous convicted-sex-offender financier, who also happens to be a pal of Bill Clinton’s and was repped by Alan Dershowitz.

They said they wanted to question Epstein about flight logs detailing the more than 23 plane trips he and Maxwell took with Giuffre when she was still a minor.

They also wanted to query Epstein, who served 13 months in jail after pleading guilty to soliciting prostitution from an underage girl in 2008, about the day he supposedly introduced Giuffre to Prince Andrew in 2001.

“On March 9, 2001, did you fly on a private jet from Tangiers to London with Ms. Giuffre and Ms. Maxwell?” lawyer Paul Cassell said he planned to ask the financier.

Lawyers for Giuffre also claimed at court hearings that Maxwell procured teenagers for Epstein because his sexual appetite was so out of control, she needed help taking “the sexual pressure off.”

“She was recruiting the young girls to take the sexual pressure off her and to satisfy the sexual desires of Mr. Epstein,” lawyer Cassell said at a pretrial hearing.

Giuffre accused Maxwell of even telling her how to dress — like a schoolgirl without underpants — before taking Giuffre to see him.

Maxwell has denied the allegations. Her lawyers were seeking to paint Giuffre at trial as a troubled teenager who had claimed sexual abuse before.

In her lawsuit, Giuffre claimed Maxwell lied about her role in “an effort to conceal sex trafficking crimes committed around the world by Maxwell, Epstein and other powerful persons.”

While she didn’t name those “powerful persons” in her lawsuit, she has previously accused famed appeals lawyer Dershowitz, who has denied the allegations.

She has also claimed she saw former President Clinton in 2002 at Epstein’s “orgy island” in the US Virgin Islands, where group sex was a “regular occurrence,” but said she never had sex with Clinton.

“We are happy to have settled this matter without the need for a trial and are pleased with the result,” Giuffre said in a statement. Lawyers for Maxwell made a similar statement, saying they, too, are “pleased with the result.”

In a court filing Wednesday, lawyers for both sides said they agreed to dismiss the case due to their settlement and that both sides would pay their own attorney fees.