Celebrity News

Annette Bening ordered Warren Beatty home after Best Picture fiasco

After the epic envelope flub at the Oscars, Warren Beatty was ordered home by wife Annette Bening.

In her annual “Oscar Diary” for Avenue Magazine, p.r. whiz Peggy Siegal reveals that after the bizarre awards finale, “At the entrance to the [Governors Ball] Warren Beatty walked up to me, still holding the two priceless envelopes as proof of his innocence. I asked him, ��What happened?’ His phone rang. It was so noisy, he bent toward me to hear better. The phone was almost in my face and I heard Annette Bening asking where he was and saying, ‘Warren, come home.’ Warren said, ‘No. I have done nothing wrong.’ ”

Siegal writes that earlier in the night, “When I arrived at the Dolby theater… I asked a dateless Andrew Garfield to take me onto the red carpet with him, to the chagrin of his publicist. A security guard rejected me because my ticket was the wrong color. Andrew winked, laughed and disappeared.” But, “Undaunted, I went back to the curb to find another walker. As I stood at the limo drop-off, inconspicuous in a Day-Glo orange satin dress, Kelly Bush, a publicist I knew from last year’s The Revenant campaign, leaned in and said, ‘There is going to be an upset. Moonlight is winning.'”

And the rest is history.