Celebrity News

Jon Gosselin is now an Atlantic City stripper

This is no April Fool’s joke!

Jon Gosselin will bare it all come Saturday, Apr. 1.

The former reality star, 39, and father of eight will put on his first adult dance number at Dusk nightclub’s “Untamed Male Revue” show in Atlantic City, N.J.

“I work at Dusk Nightclub in Atlantic City, N.J.,” Gosselin told Entertainment Tonight. “I’m a member of the Senate DJ group and I also help with promotion. I DJ at the club sometimes, but I find promotion is more rewarding both financially and emotionally. I like taking care of people and making others feel welcome.”

Of his routine, Gosselin bills it as an “integral” part of the evening.

“Being part of something is a blessing,” he added. “Since I joined Senate DJ I’ve felt like I belong to something and I’m not just out there on my own — I feel as if I’m part of a fraternity or brotherhood.”

Stripping happens to be one of many odd jobs Gosselin has taken on since quitting “Jon & Kate Plus 8.”

In July 2016, Page Six reported Gosselin was a working as a cook at T.G.I. Fridays. While he donated his check, it’s unclear what he’ll do with his earnings from stripping.

A request for comment from Gosselin’s rep wasn’t immediately returned.