Richard Johnson

Richard Johnson

Celebrity News

Roger Stone jonesing to testify on Russia

The US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence showed a lack of intelligence when it couldn’t locate Trump confidant Roger Stone for a month.

Stone, a veteran political operator, is a best-selling author who writes for Breitbart News, Daily Caller, Infowars and his own website, Stone Cold Truth.

The GOP hatchet man received an e-mail last Friday from the committee asking him to preserve any records he may have in connection to alleged Russian attempts to interfere with US elections.

But first he received an e-mail from James A. Wolfe, the committee’s security director, which said, “The Committee has a letter dated February 17, 2017, that we have been trying to get to you. Can you confirm a good mailing address?”

An incredulous Stone told me, “It took one month for the committee with oversight of our out-of-control intelligence agencies to find me? Does this give you great comfort?”

Stone is jonesing to testify — in a statement he said, “Any inference that my innocuous, fully disclosed Twitter exchange with a hacker known as Gruccifer 2.0, who may or may not be a Russian Asset, constitutes ‘collusion’ is disproved by the benign content, the facts and the timeline of events.”

Rep. Adam Schiff, ranking member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, “is engaged in red baiting, fearmongering, mudslinging and McCarthyism,” Stone said. “I look forward to confronting my accusers in a full public hearing.”